In my beard-induced haze on Sunday morning, I forgot where I was going somewhere around my fifth sub-sub-point. I offer these leftovers which could have been served up from the pulpit.

It is true that Christ, in an Uncle Sam kind of way, points at each one of us and says, “I want you!” Reading from Christ’s high-priestly prayer (John 17) I did not make it to the crucial verse, 18, “As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.

The Father sent the Son into the world full of grace and truth. He went humbly to undeserving enemies declaring the words His Father gave to Him. We go as He went. We must be humble. We must be bold. We must speak what God has given us to speak, His word, His truth, the Holy Scriptures. Every believer has been given the Scriptures. Every believer has been indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Every believer is sent as Christ was sent. He set Himself apart to speak and live the truth, so also we are set apart (17:19).

Concerned that Jesus only referenced the Apostles in His prayer? He includes us as well, 17:20 I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word. Through the preaching of Bartholomew, I believed. Somewhere down the line of Gospel going and growing, because ole Bart had faithfully heralded King Jesus, crucified, buried and raised, I believed. Now, I’m to sing the next stanza in the Gospel Hymn     new place, new people, new language. This isn’t novel information. I’m not singing anything really new. I know that, because when I get to the chorus I can hear Bartholomew’s voice along with the whole cloud of witnesses singing the old, old story right along with me.

Hope you enjoyed the leftovers…

-Bro. Michael